Letter capitalization conversion

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Tip: Custom word banks only support the conversion of "capitalization of the first letter, capitalization of the first letter of a sentence, and capitalization of a title"

Tip: The conversion of the first letter to uppercase is only valid when there is a space before the English word; The capitalization of the first letter of each sentence is only valid for the first word after the symbol ".!?:"; There is currently a limited vocabulary of all capital abbreviations for 'title capitalization'. You can provide feedback and submit it.

Title capitalization format

Title case or Headline case It is a capital style used to present the titles of published works or artworks in English, and this tool uses APA Style. Title capitalization format: All words must have their first letter capitalized, except for minor words that are not the first or last word of the title (usually articles, short prepositions, and conjunctions). The secondary words that are not capitalized in this tool include a, an, the, and, but, or, for, nor, on, at, to, by, in, of, up, as, so, yet, off, if, per, via, out等。

Case conversion of letters on the program

PHP:strtolower() Convert string to lowercase,strtoupper() Convert strings to uppercase;ucfirst() Convert the first character to uppercase,ucwords() Convert the first letter of each word to uppercase.
JavaScript:toLowerCase()Return a string where all alphabetical characters have been converted to lowercase;toUpperCase()Returns a string in which all alphabetical characters have been converted to uppercase.
Python:capitalize()Convert the first letter of the string to uppercase and the other letters to lowercase;upper() Method to convert lowercase letters in a string to uppercase letters;lower() Method to convert all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase;title() The method returns a 'titled' string, which means all words start in uppercase and all other letters are lowercase.